"The Commodity Markets Take No Prisoners"

Do you have what it takes to succeed despite losing trades? Peter Brandt does -- and shares some of his insights in this FREE report. 
August 20, 2012

By Elliott Wave International

How many losing trades can you tolerate each year and still be successful in the markets? How many consecutive losing trades? How many losing weeks, months, or even years would it take to end your trading career?

Peter L. Brandt is a professional trader who openly acknowledges that only about 30 to 35 percent of his trades over an extended period of time will be profitable. He says that most years, he will "incur eight or more losing trades in a row." He also says his trading career has seen "losing weeks, losing months, and even losing years."

So why should you listen to someone who has lost so often? Read more.


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    TzwSVsOw (Tuesday, 10 January 2023 20:08)
