302# Scalping System with I-Gentor (LSMA and EMA)
Support and Resistance filter of the direction
Submit by James 13/03/2013
Time Frame 15 min.
Currency pairs any.
Support and Resistence indicator;
The rules of this scalping system are simple.
Long Entry
The lines of I-Gentor (LSMA and EMA) are the same color (green) and Support ad Resistance indicator are blue.
Short Entry
The lines of I-Gentor (LSMA and EMA) are the same color (red) and Support ad Resistance indicator are red.
Exit position three options
on the pivot leves;
Profit Target 7-14 pips depends by currency pairs.
When the upper line of I-Gentor (LSMA and EMA) changes.
Stop loss 15-20 pips.
This forex system is very simple and profitable.
Scalping System with i-gentor (lsma and EMA) Template
In the pictures Scalping System I-Gentor in action

Share your opinion, can help everyone to understand the forex strategy.
Esmelin Ariel Acosta Marte (Saturday, 15 February 2020 15:56)
hello I see that they need the arrow indicator that does not have it when downloading
Esmelin Ariel Acosta Marte (Friday, 14 February 2020 14:11)
hola veo que falta la señalizacion
Terry (Tuesday, 17 March 2015 03:13)
Wow , its really simple and its profitable.
please explain how support and resistance indicators works ..
Thank you for sharing