339# Trend Scalping System
5 min Scalping System
Submit by joy22 18/05/2013
Time Frame 5 min or 15 min;
Currency pairs:any.
Trend Scalping System Metatrader Indicators:
Genesis Matrix indicator (Gensis Matrix indicator is formed by TVI 5 period, CCI 20 period with levels 20-60, T3 8 period, Gann Hilo 10 period,);
Dss Bressert indicator (8, 8);
Delta trend arrow indicator;
Pivot Points Levels indicator.
Rules for Trend Scalping system
Blue Arrows of the Delta Trend, four White bars of the Genesis Matrix Indicator and Dss Bressert indicator Dodger blue.
Red Arrows of the Delta Trend, four red bars of the Genesis Matrix Indicator and Dss Bressert indicator red.
Exit Position options:
exit at the opposite arrow;
exit on the pivot point levels;
exit with profit target predetemined.
Stop Loss for shorts goes above the previous swing high + spread, and for longs, below the previous swing low+ spread .
Trend Scalping System
In the pictures below Trend Scalping System in action.

Time Frame 5 min, Example Trend Scalping system Exit at the opposite arrow:
7 trade 6 wins 1 loss- total -spread 1:
1° Trade profit 18;
2°Trade profit 3;
3° Trade profit -1;
4° Trade profit 4;
5° Trade profit 1;
6° Trade profit 14;
7° Trade profit 6;
Total 46-1= profit 45

Time Frame 5 min example Trend Scalping system exit with 8 pips profit target or at the oppsite arrow if the profit target is not reached:
7 trade 7 wins 0 loss- total -spread 1:
1° Trade profit 8;
2° Trade profit 3;
3°Trade profit 8;
4° Trade profit 8;
5° Trade profit 1;
6° Trade profit 8;
7° Trade profit 8;
Total profit = 43

Time Frame 15 min example Trend Scalping system exit on the pivot points levels or at the oppsite arrow i if the target is not reached:
3 trade 7 wins, 0 loss- total -spread 1:
1° Trade profit 4;
2° Trade profit 13;
3°Trade profit 16;
Total profit 33
Share your opinion, can help everyone to understand the forex strategy.
Peter (Monday, 14 December 2020 08:26)
I am making a lot of money with this system thank you. I am sending a donation.
MohdAffiq (Thursday, 20 August 2015 05:50)
The technique is very useful. It would be much more beneficial if I could learn more from you. Thanks.
Rod Peter (Wednesday, 12 February 2014 21:08)
Thanks for sharing this simple yet quite profitable strategy! The indicators are very useful too.