27# Options Strategy Trading System
Submit by Janus Trader (written Sam Seiden) 16/01/2012
There are literally hundreds of options strategies, many more if you include the vast
array of complex strategy combinations. Why so many? Simple, it’s because most
options speculators can’t figure out price direction. Instead, they rely on complex
option strategies and a variety of standard pricing models that don’t work and simply
add illusion to a constant simple reality of all markets: supply (resistance) and demand
When you filter out illusion and replace it with pure supply and demand analysis in options trading, you not only simplify the useless complexity of options, you discover endless low risk-high reward opportunity based on a set of objective rules. This opportunity is one in which the reality-based options speculator simply derives his or her profit from the illusion- or emotion-based options speculator.
See Manual
In the pictures Options Strategy forex system in action.
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